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DRY CRACKED "COVID" HANDS! Tips For Keeping Your Hands Clean, Sanitized and SOFT.

It has been awhile since I have posted a blog! I have been busy helping artists whose hands are RAW due to extensive and obscene overuse of hand sanitizers. 

Let Us Reason Together. 

When you are working with a client, you are wearing gloves. You are conscientious, trained, smart artists so you are regularly changing your gloves and you already know what your grocery store workers and other "socially distanced" untrained workers obviously do not know... 


Don't you just hate it when they touch things all over the place, wipe their face, take money and keep the same gloves on when they touch all of your food? So awesome. But I digress...

Let Us Review A Couple of Important Points. 

1. Hand sanitizers strip your skin's natural good bacteria (the mantle) that fights bad bacteria. 

2. When repeatedly abused, the skin's mantle with a healthy pH of 5 to 5.5 will take weeks to recover... and that is only if you stop the madness...

click photo if you want to learn more about the mantle


1. According to the CDC, washing your hands thoroughly with GOOD soap and hot water for 20 seconds will suffice in most instances. You do not need to constantly drown your self in Sanitizer. 

2. Be selective as to when you use sanitizer vs. a highly conditioning perfect 5.2 pH balanced natural anti microbial awesome wash like our TATTFOAM.  It will never dry out your skin no matter how many times you wash them. 

3. Remember when you are gloved up, your hands are not coming into contact with your client. So gooping up before a session in gelled alcohol isn't really helping anyone. A thorough washing will do.

4. Here is an idea, you might want to sanitize your gloved up hands to offer protection to your client. After all, that is what they are coming into contact with. 

5. If your hands are chapped, try applying a pea sized amount of our TATTOO GLYDE & AFTER CARE or our TATTSYLK to your hands right before you put on your gloves. Give those hands some love while they are working. If they are really bad, I recommend the FCR with frankincense, clove and rose oils. Super gentle and healing! 

6. Be mindful and careful about where your hands are going.... 

For a funny, yet disturbing video on face touching watch Mason Atlas @thehive_slc on Instagram. 

For a refresher read my blog with more details on soaps and why pH is important.