We are traveling out of the USA until Aug. 2025. We are not selling any products until we return.

6 Things To Do The Day Of Your Tattoo Session

Be sure to do ALL that your tattoo artist/studio asks of you. Our suggestions come from the perspective of how the skin functions, how to increase ink preservation and best healing options. These ideas are in ADDITION to what your tattoo studio requires.

Our ideas do not replace their advice.

Click on photos for product info!

  1. Shower & Exfoliate


  • No artist wants to sit and smell your stinky butt or hair or armpits.
  • Even though the artist will cleanse the area being tattooed, it won’t be that helpful if the rest of you is a bacteria dump.
  • Exfoliation sloughs off dead skin, making it easier for your artist see the ink lines below the skin's surface more clearly. Pushing in ink will be easier too!

  1. Eat Healthy & Hydrate.


Hydrated skin is WAY easier to work than dried up thin skin. Vitamins A, B, C, D and E support skin repair and health.  

  1. If you have products like our TattFoam and Glyde & Aftercare, show them to your artist and ask if they would like to try it while tattooing you. Some are open to trying new things, others prefer to stay with what they always use.

Why try ours?

Our Glyde & Aftercare has 21 anti-inflammatory ingredients and other ingredients which really help with the artistic process. Our artists love it! So do their clients. All of our ingredients can be metabolized by the skin, which means your skin will readily accept our Glyde and not try to spit it out while you are being tattooed. Our TattFoam is revolutionary. It has a pH which does not strip the mantel. Read more about TattFoam and Glyde & Aftercare in our products pages. 



We can't stress this enough! There are lots of bandages & care techniques out there. Your artist is bandaging you and preparing your wound for a successful heal. Don’t mess it up by going off the rails.

  1. Just like before your tattoo, avoid toxic substances. Click on the photo above to see my blog dated April 10. 


Your body will want push out your new ink with all of the toxins you just sucked down.

  1. Use Excellent After Care Cleansers & Ointments.


Excellent aftercare products are designed with specific nutrients that have properties to make the tattoo healing process better.

“Plain ol’ unscented lotion and soaps” or other over the counter big brand ‘go to’ solutions of the past never killed anyone and have been used for years, but they are not as effective as many modern natural tattoo care offerings for a number of reasons.

We will define what this means and why it is a good practice in our next Blog:

What Makes An Excellent Aftercare Product?