We are traveling out of the USA until Aug. 2025. We are not selling any products until we return.

What You Should Know About Soaps & Washes And Your Healing Tattoo Part II

When you use a properly formulated natural wash that does not strip the skin’s mantel, your skin experience is greatly improved. Your tattoo is getting the protection from bacteria and dehydration that it needs.

The difference you see and feel is immediate.

We formulate our TattFoam carefully. We use the finest natural cleansers free from SLS, PEG and the other skin harming ingredients listed in Part I. 

We use aloe, essential oils and Argan Oil in its natural state so that it can act as a carrier oil to deliver nutrients into the skin. 

Our foam is gentle with a pH between 5.2 and 5.5.

TATTFOAM contains over 18 amino acids and is rich in vitamins. All the things your skin and tattoo need while healing and for every day care.

The image below shows how ingredients in our line of products behave in the skin. 

Q: Your TattFoam is more expensive than what I buy at the store. How can you say the cost is the same or less?

A:You will use half as much of our soap as you will of that soap you bought at the store. And you will use far less moisturizer etc, because your skin is not being damaged by our washes!

If you use our entire system, your skin and tattoo will heal better & faster. In addition, your ink will be more vibrant and clear, all while using less product.

A little bit goes a long way.

The lather is mild and spreads. it isn't overly sudsy. This small amount will clean up to the elbow. See the before and after photo earlier in the post, the skin gets conditioned, not stripped. 


READ THE INGREDIENT LABELS. We post all of our product ingredients on our ingredients page. click here: 

Don’t fall for the gimmicks and hype advertised on the front of the bottle or in the commercials.

To see our full line of Tattoo Care, click on the photo to go to our shop.


In our next post, will be discussing:
The Advantages of Using Well Formulated Natural Tattoo Products During The Tattoo Process